Manners are a mode of conduct which requires the willful inhibition of spontaneous, impulsive speech and behavior and their replacement by a studied refinement of character. Good manners signify a regard for others and a conscious effort towards psychological maturity and self-mastery. We expect manners from everyone but an infant.
Without specifying here what constitutes good manners, isn't it still evident that a submissive should mind her manners? If she does not practice respect and goodwill towards others who are not her Master, her self-control, not made a habit through steadfast effort, will hardly be constant enough to honor and respect her Master as she ought, nor to endure that resolute, unremitting submission and devoted service he may demand of her.
Most of us know this: D/s is not just about sex. A submissive wishing to live within her heart as a submissive (not merely as an occasional, kinky bottom) cannot allow herself the freedom to act however she might spontaneously desire. She must, on the contrary, study self-discipline lest her unschooled manners work against her deepest hope.
© 2002 Dubnglas